Rock Crushing 101

Crushed aggregate has become an essential, cost-effective material for construction, especially as a sub-base for concrete and asphalt. To get the most out of a project, rock crushing on-site provides a way to save money, have extra material that can be used elsewhere, reduce waste and minimize transportation costs.

The Crushing Process

Getting the right-sized material requires numerous pieces of equipment. Large rocks are loaded into a crusher where they are broken down. That machine is connected to a screener, which sorts the pieces by size. The three preferred sizes are stones 1 to 2 inches in diameter, crusher run that is a blended mix and gravel. To achieve the perfect crushed aggregate sizes, the crushing happens in three stages. First, it is splintered into different large stones. Second, those pieces are crushed into smaller sections. Finally, the compaction stage breaks sheet sections into small stones. From there, different factors are taken into account to get the desired size and blend. Throughout the process, the types of rocks, humidity levels and other factors are taken into account to ensure a precise finished product.

On-site Benefits

Typically, any project requires excavating. Instead of having to haul away supposed waste, crushing rocks eliminates that step while also ensuring that a highly needed material is already there and ready to use. In a time when the environment is a top concern, this process means no extra non-biodegradable materials filling up landfills. If not all of the material is used, you still get cost savings from not having to purchase more for another job site. Another benefit is that modern innovations have made the process easier and faster. Newer machines are available that provide custom compression, ensuring you get the right finished product.  

No matter the project, crushed aggregate is most likely a material that will be needed. Instead of buying and hauling it, on-site rock crushing is an easy, cost-effective solution that minimizes waste.